Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Still more...

Aaron Doeppers, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids - evaluate each piece of legislation on its own

Milwaukee resident who has emphysema and is on oxygen - used to smoke; we can't rely on smokers to be polite - a law is necessary
-Tosa restaurants are packed even though they're smoke-free

Dr. Robert Phillips - practicing internist at Marshfield Clinic - WI can't wait any longer
-no middle ground on SHS
-more on health
-in response to a question from Rep. Wasserman, Dr. Phillips stated that secondhand smoke is no less harmful if it comes from a cigar, pipe, or cigarette

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHO WAS THAT WOMAN WITH THE IDEA THAT LUNG CANCER IS NOT CAUSED BY SMOKING OR SECONDHAND SMOKE?? Did you see her website ( Oh my. She threatens the government and all people who don't like smoking. "Wow" is the only word that comes to mind....