Friday, February 12, 2010

Nice LTE on why the cigarette tax is a good thing

Earlier this week there was a great LTE on why the proposed cigarette tax will have public health impact for the state of New York. 
With New York facing insufficient resources to pay for education and health care, the proposed $1 cigarette tax increase will go to the state Health Care Reform Act Resources Fund to support health care and health-related initiatives, such as tobacco control programs. The increase in the cigarette tax is expected to generate additional revenues of $200 million in 2010-2011 and $205 million in 2011-2012.
Tobacco tax increases are good for public health, good for state revenues, and have broad-based public support. The 2008 state Adult Tobacco Survey found 59 percent of New York adults favored the $1 cigarette tax increase. The tax increase would help 53,800 adults to quit and 48,300 state residents to be saved from premature smoking-caused death. In addition, the estimated five-year health savings from fewer smoking-affected pregnancies and births is $16.4 million; and the estimated five-year health savings from fewer smoking-caused heart attacks and strokes is $23.6 million.

Good work Kelly Barton-White! 

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