Thursday, March 18, 2010

PACT Act Passes!

Back in November we discussed an important piece of legislation that Wisconsin's own Sen. Kohl was taking the lead on. That legislation is the Preventing All Cigarette Trafficking Act or the PACT Act.
Just as a review this act would reduce or eliminate cigarette trafficking and would prohibit the US Postal service from delivering mail-ordered tobacco products. This legislation has cleared both houses in Congress and awaits President Obama's signature. It is expected that the President will sign this bill. In the House the bill number is HR. 1676 and in the Senate its S.1147.

While tobacco control activists applaud this decision there are a handful of groups who are outraged. In particular, the Seneca Nation, is concerned that their business of providing cigarettes over the internet and via mail order would be completely closed down should the legislation come into effect.

Supporters of the bill highlight the importance of preventing young people from gaining access to tobacco products over the internet without proper age verification.

For more details on the bill from the House click here. 

See Senator Kohl's Statement on the issue.

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