Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blog Survey Lessons

I'm monitoring our survey results from the BB31 Day 20 Challenge (Survey Your Readers). Here's what we've learned so far:

  • We need to be posting at least every few days - and nearly half of you would prefer daily posts
  • I could be an interior decorator in a future life - you all like our current color scheme! (I'll have to let my boyfriend know, whose comments were less than complimentary during his first-time reader audit)
  • We need to tag (or label, as Blogger calls it) our posts
One additional note: It's great that Blogger now offers a survey widget, but there's not a lot of flexibility in it for non-techies like us. We would have loved to put a Blogger survey in a post or in our sidebar, but aesthetically it just wasn't working. We ended up going with a link to a SurveyMonkey survey instead. Anyone have any advice for future survey taking?

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